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About Me


      I know what it means to be chronically ill and numb to the world within and around you. It flat out SUCKS. It more than sucks; it's debilitating. It’s devastating. If you know what I’m talking about, I’m so sorry... It's a hard and lonely place to be. When my brain and nervous system was completely overloaded from accumulated traumas, my ambitious self and the childlike dreamer became covered with hypervigilance, dissociation, fatigue & a whole lot other mysterious symptoms. I became a shell of myself. 

      It started when I was young. I was infected with Epstein-Barr virus that led to a few bouts of mono, poor circulation, autoimmune symptoms, anxiety, depression & not feeling safe within my body. As I grew older, my life became focused on what was causing my symptoms. Intuitively, I knew that a pill, potion, or lotion from medical doctors was not the solution and often left me feeling more flustered than supported. I spent 12 years trying different forms of natural modalities believing the healing was to be found through an external source. I tried everything from colonics, cognitive therapy, intense fasting, detox regiments & other modalities. I would experience short term relief, but the symptoms would consistently find their way back. Then the perfect storm hit. Life was filled with paralyzing symptoms that took full control of the decision I made. I became extremely avoidant stemming from C-PTSD. I was living a life where food, stimuli, movement, people, and my own body became a threat to my brain. I was lonely, lost, and helpless. My internal world felt like I was continuously on the brink of death. 

      BUT, then a woman that I met shared with me how my brain and body were cross-wired and stuck in a chronic state of stress. A way to rewire my brain back to health was to do a self-directed neuroplasticity program. Over a period of implementing the program, working with coaches, somatic experiencing, and cultivating an authentic community, I started to regain my life. No longer did I have to be on constant alert and avoid life. For the first time, I could finally rest knowing that the answer to all the years of pain, fear, and suffering was actually found inside. 

      Are my days now struggle free? Definitely not. Do I have things come up in life that remind me to slow down and use neuroplasticity? Yes! That’s the beauty about the rewiring process. The brain and body learn that there will be trials in this world, but because it is now built on a firm foundation, it can live fully alive and free!

      If anyone reading this is in a similar position as I once was, struggling, suffering, and looking for your answer after trying everything, there is hope! Rewiring your brain and regulating your nervous system may sound too good to be true. I’m here to tell you it is possible! You no longer need to research to find the solutions. You no longer need to stay sick and in trauma. If you have read through my healing story, you are ready, my friend. It is your time to heal! If I can find life after chronic symptoms, I know you can as well. I would be my honor to come alongside you on your journey as your neuroplasticity coach ❤️

I was an anxious child and i developed an eating disorder at a young age. As I grew up I felt unsafe & Illness would come and go

Moved to eat a diet I thought was going to heal me

Preoccupied with to finding solutions from medical and CAM (complementary and alternative medicine)

Symptoms became chronic and debilitating. 
For a few years my life became very very small & scared and numb to the world 

Rewired by brain,

regulated my nervous system 

& found heart focused community

Currently coaching and living a life of freedom, passion and purpose 


B.A.Exercise Science 

Bethany Lutheran College

Growing up as an athlete, I have always been fascinated with the stamina of human body and its ability to perfrom. During my undergraduate studies, I learned how the body moves and responds to exercise for general wellness and how it is affected by stress and disease.

Holistic Health Studies 

St. Catherines University 

After taking a few courses in Holistic Health during college, my eyes were opened to a new paradigm of medicine! I pursued deeper studies in integrative medicine where my focus was on the benefits of natural modalities and alternative ways and how they affect individuals, communities, and the environment. 


225HR Yoga Teach Training & Trauma Sensitive Yoga Training 


Holy Yoga

Experiencing the benefits of yoga during my brain recovery journey, I wanted to know how to share this modality with others. I signed up to become a certified yoga instructor and specialized in Trauma-Sensitive yoga to provide additional support and tools for clients.

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